So I figured that everyone has to start somewhere and without using steep Glasgow streets as my starting point, I decided to go with a real hill. Not a Munro but everyone has to start somewhere right. So Tinto was that place:

(Picture by Siobhann McClory)
Bearing in mind, I haven't been hill walking for many a year so I didn't want to have a long drive before starting out on the days adventure. Tinto reaches a height of 2320ft (707m) and as a smallish hill close to home (approx 5 miles from Lanark, i.e 24 miles from home), it's quite impressive indeed. It has a very beautiful setting even on a less than perfect day and it benefits from the usual unpredictable Scottish weather for an all round experience of a hill walking day out.
Starting out kind of late was nice because it meant the hill was a little quieter and I was able to just take my time and enjoy the view:

(Picture by Siobhann McClory)
I reach the 2 false summits and see ice in front of me and think; awesome, I'm almost there so I'll have a water break and get going on the last 100 or so metres to the top before taking in the view and starting back down. in typical Scottish weather pattern fashion, I turn around and enjoy a beautiful view and when I put my water away, turn to face the direction of the summit and all of a sudden I can't see... the fog decends so quickly:

(Picture by Siobhann McClory)
There's more of a hurry to reach the summit now before it is too late. So walking on ice and rocks and taking slightly less time than I would have liked, I make my way to the final goal. Frozen and windy, the summit is a bitter place in January but I made it:

(Picture by Siobhann McClory)
As you can see, the rocks directly in front of me are the only things that can be seen (except the other camera of course) Damn that fog, I was looking forward to avoiding getting my picture taken with the view in the background. Tinto - Done! That makes Stage one complete... what next? I guess you'll have to wait and see.
Until next time x