Saturday, 19 February 2011

An idea to behold

I have so many ideas of what I want to achieve and having an idea is always a good place to start. So why not start big and in doing so, mould and shape those ideas so that they can become a reality.

This is my beginning: The Seven Summits Challenge. Consisting of Kilimanjaro, Denali, Aconcagua, Mt Vinson, Carstensz Pyramid, Elbrus and of course the highest peak in the world, Everest. (Further information on the challenge can be found here: Seven Summits Challenge)
I realise that some people may think I am a little insane for even considering the idea but aren't we all nuts for something? Whether it's driving around late at night to fulfil that chocolate craving, sticking posters on the wall or travelling around the world for concerts (me included).

We all have something that we love to do and dreams we want to achieve so why can't we just do it? Why not just take the chance, just risk everything and go for it? Isn't life there for the taking? If we hold ourselves back or let fear take over, we aren't really living the lives we could be. Even if we fail at least we tried and in trying, lies success.

So whatever it is, Dare it all and Dream it to life

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